This morning we drove to Fillmore. Carol needed to have a paper signed by her doctor to certify that She was healthy enough to drive for another year. We parked in front of the new Revere Health building, her Doctor Gross was in the parking lot. He came in and signed her paper.
We then stopped at the Market for groceries.
I am working on a CSA boxes and checking out some tomato prices. The two above photos show the prices of tomatoes.
I prepared scallions, beets, and beet greens for Share the Harvest at the post office. The I cut the tops off the larger beets. I gathered all the tops of the scallions and put them and the beet tops in the compost pile shown above.
The above photo shows the beets in zip bags and the beet greens.
I picked a bucketful of tomatoes. We took those to the post office on our way to Fillmore. Most of the tomatoes in house six are badly cracked or green. I turned the furnace off today. If it gets to cold it will freeze in house six.
Here is a better picture of the middle of house one.
I began removing the tomato vines in house six beginning to get it ready for next spring.
I went for a walk. I got a picture of the footing and foundation for a garage. It looks like there will be a two door garage and shop.
There are three tomato plants that I have no seed. Two have been propagated and are doing well in house two. I took two cutting from what I will call Black Plum.
I carved the pumpkin last night. It has been on the porch all day. Carol lit the candle late this afternoon.
Comments and questions are welcome.
I thought that it was the last time. but I picked again today, and there may be a few more days.