
Friday, November 20, 2020

Scrubbing Lisa

 I was up early and set up my lap top at the west end of the kitchen table.  I turned on the kitchen light to see without brothering Lisa who was sleeping in the front room.  Richard was up soon and waited in the recliner.  After a while Carol was up and went into the bathroom.  She said that she slept pretty good in the bed that we fixed for her.  She was able to get into bed and out of bed without any help.  I helped her dress and forgot to put on my mask.  She turned on the TV and we watched some news.  I had my old fashion bowl of mush,  Richard boiled some eggs.  He shelled one of them and gave it to Carol.  Richard fried a perfect egg for me.  Lisa was the last one up.

I fed the cats and the kittens.  The three little kittens were really hungry.  They would rather eat than run away.  When their stomachs are full, they ran away.  Lisa asked for a stepladder.  
She worked all morning cleaning the kitchen.  She removed everything from the tops of the cupboards and washed them.   She removed the papers that kept the off the dust.  She washed and washed some more.  She cleaned all the cupboards fronts and doors.  It wasn't a simple wash over, but a deep cleaning.   We watched President Nelsons talk to the people of the world on gratitude.  He asked everyone to list something each day on social media that they were thankful for.
This afternoon I mowed up all the leaves that had fallen after I mowed three weeks ago before the big snow.  I dumped them in our compost piles.  One is getting pretty big.
This is how the back lawn looked after I finished.  The other lawns looked the same.

Carol went to Fillmore for physical therapy.  I helped into Lisa's car and Lisa drove her there.  She was pretty tired when she got back.

Lisa made tacos for supper.  They were really good, but the shells were really brittle making it difficult to eat them.

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