
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Rooted Tomato Plants

I went outside after breakfast and the news.   I went out to ask Shane about the my tiller.   I met him and the rest of the crew and we had a little meeting.  No particular topic.
Shane's wife, Jenifer, was taking some junk out to the dump.  There were two sheets  of plywood that she would take to the dump.  I told her that I would take care of them.  I turned one over and it had a squash bug on it.

I did a lot of weeding one the north side of the north garden.  I was mostly on my hands and knees with a small one handed hoe.

Carol and I planted the Topaz melons which to a full row.  They were pretty healthy plants.
There has been five tomato cuttings in a bottle in the kitchen window.   They  were all rooted except one.  I usually put them in a pot for a couple of weeks before putting them in the ground.  I put them in the ground and kept a small stream of water running on them for the rest of the day.   I checked them tonight and they looked like they had perked up some.  I cut the bottom of  #2 pots and covered each tomato plant.

 I clipped some burlap to the pot to provide some shade in this hot weather. 
I put three clips on the first one.

Then decided that two clips would be just as good.    So I put two clips on the other three.
Pad five is ready for planting.
Another pleasant surprise.  I found another grape vine that survived the winter.  That make three.  I dug up all the weeds in the irrigation row.
I needed some sand to heat in the oven to bend a two inch ell.   Carol and I drove west of Holden and a little north for sand.  There are several sand hills.  The best one on the road to ds Bute or some call it sugar loaf.  I got a bucket of sand.
 The sand didn't work, but boiling water did.  I was able to bend the two inch PVC ell.   You can see it  on the four inch pipe.   I hope to drill a hole through and on a cap to turn the water on or of.  It will water the asparagus when I get an irrigation turn.
Pad three.  Our neighbor to the west brought over a tractor to help get it ready for planting.
I gathered up the  one inch PVC pipe.  I cut off the bad pieces.
And ended up with quite a few pieces.

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