
Monday, May 25, 2020

Sheets, Garden, New Grape Vines

Every other Monday is sheet washing day.  All of the sheets and pillow cases were piled up in the laundry room.  Carol started the wash and I think that there were three loads.  After breakfast we made a potato salad.  Carol peeled the potatoes and I pushed them trough the salad maker.  She then peeled the eggs and I also pushed them through the salad maker.  Last we did the onions.  We used the same salad maker with a different piece. 
Carol needed an onion.  I removed all of the soft onions.  Those that started to grow were removed.
I dumped them on the compost pile.
Carol has been planning for a week to make three fruit ice cream for memorial day.  We bought two bags of ice, a pint of cream, and a gallon of whole milk.   She put all of the ingredients except for the milk last night and kept it in the fridge all night.  Carol put it in the freezer.  I put in the ice and salt.  It took about forty-five minutes for the ice cream to freeze.  We imediately dished out two bowels and sat down and enjoyed.
The flags were posted in people's yards.   It is a fund raiser for the young men and young women it our ward.
I wrapped the ice cream freezer with several towels and tied it with twine.  This keeps it cold for several hours.
The corn is looking kind a yellow.  I put a small handful of nitrogen between each plant cluster.
Last summer I planted a row of grape vines.  I got some cuttings last year from Miles Batty.  They rooted.   When I checked them this spring, it looked like they had died.  But this afternoon I found two that were growing.
This is the second one.
I poured several gallons of water on the Elder Berry plant.  Hope that it will perk up.
Shane and his crew are going to plant hemp in and area on the north side of the grape plants.  I started to move the long black pipe to another location.
Pad one.  This just west of house five that they are getting ready for hemp.

This is pad two.  It is in the corner.
This is pad three.  It is south of house six.

They were using my tiller, but before they finished, the tiller quit.  It began to surge and lost power when tines were put in the ground.  He is going to fix it tomorrow.

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