
Friday, August 21, 2020

A Deer Party in the Garden

I was anxious to see the garden.  After breakfast I walked out to the garden.  There were deer tracks all over.  Some in the soil,  Others in the mud and others in the raised beds.  

The above photo is one of the places where water had been yesterday.

It was around eight when I started to mow the lawn.  It hadn't been mowed for two weeks.  I removed all the hoses and things on the lawn.  A little over an hour later I was finished.  I put the clippings and leaves on the remnants of a compost pile.
The deer ate a lot of the bush bean plants.  I brought out some used nursery cans so that I could cover them in the evening.  I lined them up by every bush bean plant.  On the north side of greenhouse two were some benches heated by hot water.  These were used for years to help in the germination of bedding plants.  I thought that I might use the welded wire for building some type of wire covering.  It took some time to remove all of the screws and the wire staples.  

I stopped for lunch.  I got a call from Shane from Delta.  I didn't answer the phone, but called him back.  He and and his wife, who was in my class when I was a six grade teacher.  They wanted to identify a tree in their yard that was planted by a bird.   They wanted some more tree like it.  They brought over a branch for me to identify.  I had not idea what it was.  It wasn't like any tree that we had in our yard.  They were going to e-mail me some photos which I would forward to Robert.

After lunch I went back to work on removing the welded wire.

I made three tunnels like the one pictured above.  The welded wire was twelve feet long.  I cut three foot pieces and bent them into a 'U' shape.  I fastened sixteen inch  1x1 piece of wood on both ends.  This one covered three bush cucumber plants which would protect them for being eaten by deer.
One is in the garden and here are the other two.
 More deer tracks in the garden.

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