My tour of the garden found deer tracks and eaten plants all over.
I cut down the rest of the sweet corn. Thursday I will plant some Sweet Early corn.
More deer tracks in the wet soil.
I removed the seventeen inch trays and replaced them with two firing strips.
The table holds all of the grapes./
Screen netting keep the of the wasps/yellow jacket. They cannot find there way to grapes.
I worked part of the morning on this crate and nearly finished it in the afternoon. I copied one of my onion crates. I had to make pieces and pined them together with my pin nailer. I use a lot pieces of lath. I measured and cut, and cut again. I nailed some pieces slightly in the wrong place. I pulled of the lath. I cut of the head of the pin and filled it down and tried again. All I have to do is put on a locking door. I need a pair of hinges and a clasps to lock the door.
Here is where the door will fit. I have it finished.
I put this Christmas laser light in the garden. It is west of the garage pointed to the south west. I can't get a night time ;picture. I turned it on at nine. It looks pretty cute shining through a lilac bush.
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