
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

A Full Day

After breakfast and some TV news I went out to the garden.  I pulled the crank rope on the tiller.  Nothing.
I then went out to the shed where then lawn mower has been most of the winter.  I turned the started several times.  It started up and I drove it over the front lawn.  I decided to mow the lawn this afternoon.

 I tried to get the tiller out of the garden and onto the concrete driveway.  I couldn't push it.  I turned it around and pulled on it.  I finally got it on the grass and was able to push it up to the driveway.  I pulled the crank rope again and nothing.  I was going to call Casey who had fixed it earlier this year.  I turned the off and on switch, still it wouldn't start.  There was an short lever below the choke.  I pushed it all the way to the right.  It was hard to push.  I put on the choke and pulled the crank two times.  The second time it started.
I put in gear and drove it to where I was going to till a row for the potatoes.
I tilled down the edge of the hoops.
I tilled it one more time.
I stretched a line down the center of the freshly tilled soil.  I removed the soil from the center to both sides.  The string helped me keep a straight row.
I pressed the potato seeds into the soil about ten inches apart.
A closer look.
Here I covered the seeds up with some nice composted manure.
Here I covered them with a little bit of soil.  Now waiting for some rain or well water.
I put ten old Crook neck squash seed inside a zip bag.  Six of the ten seeds grerminated.
That was about eight days ago.
Next job was to prepare to rows for the tomato plants that will be planted about four weeks from now.  Circled is a space where peonies are growing.
I tilled around them.  This was the part circled in the previous photo.
Here I have raked soil from the center of the to each side.  The irrigation water will run down the row to irrigate the tomato plants.
This is the spot that was circled in an early photo.   I dug it out so the water could run down to the end of the garden.  I also fixed it to water the peonies growing there.
This is the next row.  There enough room to walk between the two rows.
Again I pulled soil to both sides to make a farrow for the irrigation water.
This raised bed of Nantes carrots were coming up really well.  A couple of weeks ago, we had a hard frost.  Most of the plants did not survive.  I raked it with the tines up side down and made a smooth place for the seeds.  I opened the seed pack and held it about chest high.  Then I sprinkled the seeds above the planting medium.  A slight breeze spread the seed some.
I covered it with burlap and watered it numerous times.  The bricks help keep the burlap from blowing away.
I put on the welded wire to keep off some small animals.
I filled these three buckets with I hoped would be potting soil.
I put the potting soil in a section of roadway pipe.
I put a large stake with the name of the carrots whose seeds are planted there.

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