
Friday, April 10, 2020

Day if Fasting

We started our fasting last night at about six.  We are fasting to bring an end to all of the problems associated with the Covid-19.

This morning we went to Fillmore to get some groceries.  We came home and I began work around the yard.
Carol Finished a puzzle this morning.
I saw the nectarine tree this morning.  It was loaded with flowers.  The apricot and peach trees has blossoms.  There a prospect of them good fruit this summer.
I got some strawberry plants in the mail this morning.  They didn't look very healthy.  I soaked them in water will I prepared the raised bed.  I marked an eight foot 2x2 every sixteen inches.  I planted three rows.  A strawberry plant was planted at every mark plus one on each end making twenty two total for the raised bed.
The above photo shows most of the locations of each plant.
I watered each plant three of four times.  I think that they are pretty well watered.
I had four plants left over.  I wanted to put them in a bigger pot.  I found a large pot in the shed.  It is the one on the right.  I filled full of potting soil took it to my potting bench.  The pot was way to large.  I sent back to the shed and found a smaller one.  It is the one on the right in the above photo.  It is still too large.
I went back to the shed and still got a smaller pot.  I filled it with soil and put in it the four plants.  I really soaked it with water.  I put in the four wire hanger.
I hung it on the greenhouse perlen at the west end of house five.
The warm weather has woken up the yellow jackets.  A You Tube video showed how to make a wasp trap.  I got the glass baking dish, soapy water, wet cat food, and two eighteen inch boards.  I filled the dish with two quarts of soapy water; I buttered the boards with the wet cat food and put them upside down over the baking dish.  The wasps are supposed to be attracked by the cat food.  They would then go in the space between the board and the water. The grab some cat food and attempt to fly away.  the weight of the cat food would cause the do drop in the water and drown.

I didn't catch any.  When I went back I saw a cat take off.  It went so fast that I couldn't tell which cat it was.  It moved the two boards some.  I put them back into place and put a large cement block on top.
I filled up the bird feeder

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