
Thursday, July 9, 2020

I watered the basket.  I also fertilized the geraniums in the kidney, and watered it in.
We worked for quite a long time connecting the east end of the pipe to the west.  When finished the water was turned on and it leaked badly.  Shane and Dustin are tightening both ends of the compression coupler.  The couldn't completely stop the drip on the west side.  There was a small drop of water about every five seconds.
They installed a tee, a short nipple, a valve, and a valve box.  They are taking a water line into house two.
The tomato plants in the north garden were hung last week.  They have shown much growth and needed trimming and another tomato clip.
The tomato plants look like Juliets.
The big project was stretching a wire from the top of the west post two top of the east post.  I put in the two steel posts and attached to it the two eight foot 2x2's.  I tightened them to the steel posts.  while the ends were on the ground, I attached the tie wire.   I raised the top end to so the 2x2's were straight up which tightened the wire.  I did that several times.
I put guy wires from the top the ground.  I drove in a large spike into the ground which held it tight.  You can see the wire wrapped around the spike. 
A turn buckle is at one end of the post.
I got a good picture of the Cherry Banana.  There are three plants.

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