
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Irrigation Day

I slept in this morning when I should have been getting up a little earlier.  I didn't have time to read from the Book of Mormon.  I did get three bowels of Old Fashion oatmeal mush made.  It took me about an hour to get the volume of water regulated.  Richard helped me yesterday getting the pipes out and adjusted.

There is a good stream of water running down the ditch.  Here I let the water run down the ditch while I went back to the south-west corner of our yard where I put on a cap on the pipe to keep the water from running into the neighbor's yard.  It was 2:30 this afternoon when I turned the water to her.  I slid the board on the left into the headgate which forced the water into the pipe that goes to our yard.
Here the water is running into an underground pipe that ends up in our yard.
Our yard slopes from the south-east to the north-west across our driveway.  It is impossible keep all of it on our lawn and garden.
This photo shows the end of the pipe that puts the water on the back yard and the lawn east of our house.
I forced the water east of the pipe onto part of the lawn that doesn't usually get watered.  The back lawn was finished.   I let the whole stream of water run on the orchard until our turn was over.
Leslie Peay, Carol's sister-in-law wants a apple poly roly recipe.  I scanned it an put it on Face Book.  At this point, I don't know if she has seen it.

It was a little after four this afternoon when we went to Fillmore to get a few groceries.  

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Monday, May 30, 2022


When I got up this morning, the door to the little bedroom was closed.  That is where Richard slept.  I started reading from the Book of Mormon but did not finish until later in the morning.  Carol and I had breakfast.  Richard was gone.  When he got back he told us that he went to the Hot Springs west of Meadow.  On the way home, our home, he shot a coyote.  He showed.  I fixed his breakfast.

It rained during the night and filled three buckets with rain water.  Two on the front porch and one on the patio.  I watered all of the house plants with the rain water;
I saw one of our cats taking a kitten to the orchard.  I hurried to the orchard and got this picture of the kitten.
I got this picture of the mother cat and part of the kitten on the left side of the tree trunk.
It is memorial day.  The young men and young women put ot the flags and also served lunch at the park.  I helped Carol some, making a potato salad.  We had lunch at the park.  It was getting pretty cold.  We came home and finished our lunch.  
We are having a water turn in the morning starting at seven.  I cleaned the ditch;
Richard helped me put out the irrigation pipes.  The fact was he put them out and I told him where to put them.  He picked them up and carried them to the right locations.
Richard left and I planted two rows of topaz melons.  Water is running on the row on the right.  The is a row on the left waiting for the water.
The potatoes I planted a couple of weeks ago are coming up.

I planted fifteen Delicious tomato plants.  


Sunday, May 29, 2022

Fifth Sunday

I had a strange night.  I finally got everything right and went to sleep.  I got up, showered and then read from the Book of Mormon.  Richard stayed all night and got up a little after me.  It rained some during the night.   We had breakfast of Old Fashion Oatmeal Mush, eggs, and toast.

Memorial Day is tomorrow and the speakers, two youth and two adults, husband and wife. didn't mention anything about those who have passed on.   The bishopric assigned other topics.  

The fifth Sunday topic was learning how to use electronic devices in the mission of the church.  Some of the things I knew.  I learned a couple of new cool things.  The sun was shining when we came home.  We had a good dinner and tapioca pudding.  

It rained some during the day.  I put out five-gallon buckets to catch the water running off the roof.  One on each side of the front porch and one on the patio.

The power went this evening for less than a minute.  Tonight, there has been more lighting, thunder, rain.

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 It was suposed to rain all day.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Cemetery Trip

We left for Prove at eight this morning.  We visited the Provo cemetery, Fort Williams, Sutherland, and the Delta cemetery.  

It was a little after nine when we got to the Provo cemetery where we met Richard.  We put most of our mums in the Provo cemetery There were three different locations at that cemetery.  The above photo was the headstone of Carol's mother and father.  We then drove to the Camp Williams cemetery.  Richard followed us all the way.  I forgot to get a photo of the flowers on Eric's headstone.  There were flags all over the cemetery.  We drove on the Redwood Road all the way back to Alberta.  We turned right or west on the road to Eureka.  We then drove to Delta and then to Sutherland.
We put flowers on the grave of our first born son, David Merrill Johnson.  He lived less than twenty-four hours.  
We then drove to the Delta cemetery where my grand-parents were buried.  We placed flowers their graven and a little flower on Melba Sampson June's grave.
We stopped at the Ashton sandwich place.  We placed our order and then waited over an hour to have it filled.  It was really good.  We ate as much as we could.  I got a couple of boxes for that which we wouldn't eat.  I asked a customer at the table nest to us to take the picture.  President Ashton recognize us.  We usually see him in a suit and tie.  We got gas at the Maverick station in Delta and then came home. 

It was starting to get dark when the power went off.  It was off for over and hour.  We had some emergency lights that we turned on.  An other light needed four large double a batteries.  We could find only three.  I looked all over for another battery, but did find another one.

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Friday, May 27, 2022


This morning a little after breakfast, we drove to the Fillmore Market to get some chrysanthemums.  There was one pallet in the front of the store north, and another pallet on the north front of the store.  They were in a variety of colors.  We bought fifteen and took them right home. 

 We left some in the car and put some on the counter in the kitchen.   I moved the hoses off the lawn in preparation of mowing it.

Water was running on the row of sweet corn.  I turned it on last night and forgot to turn  it off last night.  I turned it off. 
I started to mow the front lawn.  The grass catcher was full.  I drove to the garden to dump the grass in the north garden.   The engine was running well by the time I got to the garden.  I dumped grass and checked the gas tank.  I was empty.  I filled it up with gas from the back tank.
I walked back to the grape vines and found this new vine.  The deer had eaten part of the vine, but there was one tiny cluster of grape buds.
I finished the lawn.  Here is a photo of the back lawn, pretty and green.  Robert and Jeanne came to see us.  We had a good visit.  I showed Robert around the yard.  The picked a few flowers and took a vase of flowers for their baby that is buried in the Holden cemetery.
The century plant is about six feet tall.
We have fifteen mums.  I made two hooks for each mum.  I made them out of the fabric staples.   I watered the plants in house five and in the garden.  

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Thursday, May 26, 2022

Two Trips to Fillmore

The night was a little warmer.   The house temperature was seventy-two degrees.  I didn't turn on the furnace.  We have had the fan on but haven't turned on the AC yet.  I planted another row of crimson sweet watermelons in the south garden. I was going to come back after they were watered to take a picture, but I forgot.  It was 9:30 when we drove to Fillmore to get a few groceries and greeting cards.  We got a lot more groceries than a few.  We wanted chrysanthemums.  The had two but are getting more this afternoon.  They got a pallet of them yesterday.  Three large boxes of mums froze.  We then went to the drug store for birthday cards.  We then came home.  I made an appointment at the dental office to have my teeth fixed.

I did weeds.  This picture is west of house five looking towards the sun which makes it a little blurry.  I dug up the foxtail grass.  I want to do more.
There are a lot of landscape rocks.  I pulled up the foxtail grass.  It is piled up on the right side of the picture.  We went back to Fillmore at four to get the chrysanthemums.  They were in the truck which was parked in the parking lot.  We waited for a while and then got ice cream cones.  We drove around Fillmore while we ate our cones.  We then decided to go home and come back in the morning for the mums.
We got this weed eater string on our first trip to Fillmore this morning.
We got a call from Richard this morning telling us that Carol's brother, Gary passed a way this morning.  Carol has talked on the phone to her sister and other family members of his passing.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Second Trip to Pain Clinic.

Two deer in the backyard this morning.  A doe and her yearling fawn.   It is the first time that we have seen this year.  I chased them east of the house and up to the road to main street. We sometime see tracks and where they have eaten plants.  I used the weed eater to cut down the foxtail grass.  But it is growing back.  This morning I pulled up the grass in the landscape rocks.  I used the shovel to dig up more grass where there were no rocks.  I should have taken a picture.

It was 11:45 when we went to see Carol's pain doctor in Richfield.  We went in and in a few minutes, we were in the exam room.  After we finished, we drove straight to Fillmore and bought gas at the Maverick station.  We then bought groceries at the Fillmore market.  At home we had a late lunch of fried potatoes and onions.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Planted Watermelon and Celebrity Tomatoes

This morning was a little colder.  The house temperature was 66 degrees.  I read from the Book of Mormon, fixed breakfast, and watched the morning news.  A little later, I began planting Crimson sweet watermelons and Celebrity tomato plants.  The photo below shows a watermelon plug.  I transplanted fourteen or fifteen plants in the row.  I have enough plants to plant three more rows.

There is a hole east of the south door of house six that has a PVC ball valve, where I could shut off the water.  I dug out a lot of mud, and found the valve, but I couldn't turn it.
The water has been leaking some.  There is a small ball valve that I turned off which should stop any leak.
She wanted a start from this bush that had yellow flowers.  I think it is a golden chain tree.  It had small black seeds from last year.  I got a some to see if I can grow them.
I called Alisha Bills about her chicken coup.  I suggested that the chickens should be cared for, for two weeks in the coup.  Then make a small door and let the chickens out during the day.  At night the chickens would come back into roost.  She could lock them up for the night.  She didn't want to do that.
I had her take this selfie.
I dug twenty-two holes and made them a little deeper with a garden trowel.  I then put two handfuls of horse pellets.  I did this last year, and the plants were really healthy.  I lost only one plant out of twenty-four.
This is the row of Celebrity tomato plants.  It is a little hard to see the plants.  There are twenty-two plants in the row.

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Sunday, May 22, 2022

Sunday Morning

After breakfast I opened the east door to house five.  Everything looked good.  I checked out the garden, and it looks good.  I read the priesthood lesson and then watched the video.  We got dinner ready.  Carol took me took church for choir practice.  She then went home.   A member of the stake presidency was there.  The meeting was about to begin.  I thought that we could have him sign our temple recommend.  I left the meeting and hurried home to get our recommends.  I came back to church when the bishopric was sustaining people who received new calling.  We have always turned in our old recommend and Carol didn't have hers.  I always have mine in my suit pocket.  So, we didn't do anything.  The sacrament meeting speakers did a good job and our priesthood meeting teacher did well.  We came home for meat loaf, snap beans, baked potato and baked sweet potato.  We watched some TV.    We went to Fillmore and met with a member of the stake presidency who signed our recommends.  Following are photos of old and new recommends.

Photo of back of new recommend.
Front of New recommend.
Photo of the back of the old recommend. 
Photo of front of old recommend.   There is quite a difference in the new and old recommend.

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Saturday, May 21, 2022

Frost on Volunteer Potatoes

When I woke up this morning, it was about 5:45.  My light alarm didn't come on.  I then turned the timer until the light came on.  I showered, said my prayers, and then shaved.  Again, I read from the Book of Mormon.  After breakfast I watched two of my Saturday morning wood working shows.  I picked some rhubarb. 

This a photo of the frozen volunteer potatoes.  There is quite a lot of it.

I uncovered the peaches and cream sweet corn.  A couple of plants were partially crushed, but other than that, they looked really good.  They are beginning to grow.
This photo shows a rhubarb plant where I harvested the rhubarb stems.
I filled this plastic container with the rhubarb stems.
I divided it into three groups and put them in plastic shopping bags and took them to the post office.
I picked these irises yesterday.  Carol arranged them in this vase.  They add beauty to our home.
I uncovered the geraniums and pomegranate bush this afternoon.  I also watered them.
The base of the palm tree, that's what we call it, is full of various colors of geraniums.
We watch a TV show that showed a lavender farm.  We have a lavender plant in the north garden, it should have been pruned close to the ground last fall.  I am going to prune it next week.   I dug up weed at different times during the day. Tonight, I put the tomato and melon plants back into the garage.  Carol called Robert tonight.  We haven't heard from him for a long time.   He said that he was sick and was a prediabetic, and that Jeanne had a mammogram and they discovered that she had breast cancer.

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