
Sunday, September 25, 2022


 This morning, instead of reading from the Book of Mormon, I read from the Book of Isaiah. We are studying the Book of Isaiah in our Sunday school class.

We didn't have breakfast, because it was fast Sunday.  I helped Carol get the food ready for Sunday dinner.  
I emptied six pill containers.
I have four pill boxes that hold a month's supply of pills.  I lined them up in a row and put one day\s supply in each cell.
I filled the cat dishes with cat food and put them on the back porch.  Our cat dusty was sitting on the cat buckets.  He then started eating with is front feet in the frying pan and his back feet in the cat bucket.
I had an interview with my priesthood leader.  One the way home I drove past a neighbor's house and saw this large Topaz melon in the garage.  It had been there for nearly a week. Our neighbor as ben out of town. I drove up their driveway and brought the melon home.  We watched channel eleven videos.  

This evening I went to the Millard Stake house where I participated in the stake music festival.  Carol didn't go because of her pain.  Our ward did a good job.  I talked to a couple of friends while there.  It was dark when I drove home.  It's been a long time since I have driven in the dark.

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